The St Narsai Assyrian Christian College is the first Assyrian Secondary College to be established in the Western world. Prime Constructions initially undertook Stages 1 & 2 which includes classrooms, car parking and recreational ovals. Stage 3 followed, this includes a double storey Music, Art and Science Building with formal courtyard and landscaped areas and a COLA (covered outdoor learning centre).
The construction comprises pop out aluminium composite panel clad windows, off form concrete retaining walls, exposed aggregate concrete footpaths, formal landscaping and architecturally designed internal areas.
Storm water and overland flow systems have been designed to run through landscaped swales to store water before discharge into Reddy Creek. Local provenance native species have been utilized in the landscape design to maintain the Cumberland Plain natural flora of the area.
A detailed methodology was developed to mitigate disruption of the school’s operation.